📛 Name Badge

This is a red tulip 🌷 shaped name tag with a white rectangle in the middle. This tulip-shaped badge is also often used in Japan's 🇯🇵 kindergartens. In some large conferences or schools 🏫, you can write your name and personal information in the white rectangular area for easy identification by others. The shape is similar to .

📛 Name Badge Basic Information

name badge
Apple Name:
Name Badge
Unicode Version:
6.0 (2010-10-11)
Emoji Version:
1.0 (2015-06-09)
🛑 Symbols
Sub Categories:
☑️ other-symbol
Known as:
Fire Tag | Name Tag | Tofu On Fire

📛 Name Badge Examples and Usage

  • Everyone put on the name tag 📛 and go to the playground in order.
  • Now, can you make sure that each of them gets a name badge 📛 and an information pack?
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